About Fiona

Fiona has been practicing yoga for 15 years and teaching/running retreats since 2007. Students are drawn to her warmth, her sense of fun and her inclusive approach which de-mystifies yet stays firmly rooted in the ancient roots of the practice, making it relevant for today’s demanding lifestyles...

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Fiona will come to you or you can practice in her beautiful SE1 studio by arrangement. Personalised routines can be developed for your  type*. Do have too much Pitta (FIRE ELEMENT - ambitions, workaholic, go-getter, but stressed), Kapha (driven by EARTH, home maker, cosy but one too many ready meals and too much couch surfing) or Vatta (driven by AIR, light and spirited but dehydrated, never settling still, inability to make decisions) ? Get these three elements into balance with private sessions.

Business and Workplace Yoga.
Invest in the health and productivity of yourself and your team by committing to a regular yoga practice in or around your workspace. Fiona runs individual and team yoga sessions in businesses around London. Whether you'd like a half hour practice at your desk, or a morning session in the meeting room you can contribute to a more positive, healthy and effective working environment. Power YOUR Business with Yoga!

Retreats and Workshops. For upcoming retreats and workshops please see the Calendar and Blog.

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